
Allow me to introduce myself –

The name’s Chance Edgerly.

Currently an Union Electrician, aspiring writer, blogger,and board game creator –

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When I set out to start this blog, it seemed quite intimidating; I had no clue what I was doing, but I thought it would be a fun endeavor. After hours of googling, listening to podcasts, and watching a plethora of videos on the topic, I felt confident enough to give it a go; not necessarily confident in my ability to run a successful blog, but confident that I just needed to start it and learn as I go, so…here we go…

Why am I doing this? Why now? Well, in all honesty, I’ve always wanted to do this. Even as a kid, I dreamed of my days being filled by creating stories to share with the masses and, of course, getting filthy rich from said stories. As an adult, I know this is a much more difficult challenge than one might think. I don’t know if these statistics are correct, but I’ve read that roughly 81% of Americans want to write a book, 70% of those people will attempt it, and out of those 70%, 90% will never finish it. I’m not sure about that, but even if these stats are exaggerated, they’re still staggering.

I’m not a kid anymore; I’m a full-blown adult who must pay the bills, same as all of you. And, unfortunately, my dreams have taken a back seat to life. So, back to the question of Why now? Again, same as all of you, I’m not getting any younger. And this year has been monumental for me. Not only did I turn 30 this year but also my wife and I had our first child. My life has changed very much for the better but still enough to make me look at what I want from life and what I want for my new family. I have a great career; I make a great living and can provide for my family. We have a beautiful home and two brand new vehicles in the driveway. We can afford to have my wife stay home and raise our kiddo, and we have health insurance and money in our savings account just in case something unforeseen happens. I truly can’t complain, and I’m very happy with my life, but I’m currently away from my family 72+ hours a week.

Every career has its pros and cons, but while I’m at work, at a job I’m lucky to have, I still dream of being home, working on my stories, and being a father who’s not gone all the time. I’ve always aspired to be a writer, so after 3+ years of tooling around with a comic book idea, I decided to write it. I finished it, revised it, and finished it again—probably more times than I should have—but now I have a completed manuscript of an eight-issue comic arc that I’m very happy with. I was able to attach an editor to the story who’s currently diving into the first issue. He’s a bulldog of an editor—my first page alone had more mistakes than Seth McFarland has voices—but I was so happy to improve my craft that I didn’t care about having to fix things. Once he’s finished and we have a script we’re both proud of, we’ll add an art team and use crowdfunding to self-publish.

After 3+ years of learning everything I could about writing comics, I pivoted and studied how to run a successful Kickstarter—which brings me full circle to why I’m doing this blog. I’m starting this blog because, hell yeah, I want to! And, hopefully, this will help my comic while gaining exposure for my Kickstarter and all my other endeavors. Sh*t, I hope this blog becomes self-sufficient and I can quit my job and just write my stories.

Someday I hope I to update this with “I finally quit my job and am a full-time writer,” but I’ll need an audience, which brings me to you, my readers. You now know why I’m doing this, and you know that you should, without a doubt, subscribe to my mailing list and support my comic. But what’s in it for you?

You ask the right questions, my friend, what will this blog be about? What will it have to offer? Well, this is a passion project, and will always be what I love to do. This is somewhere I can tell my stories and talk about things I care about and hopefully things you care about too.

I have a one-shot 28-page comic script that I hope to get drawn and published here as a webcomic—a little freebie for all of you helping me accomplish my dreams—and I plan for this blog to have a little bit of everything, including book/comic book writing help and blog writing help (well, more like we’ll learn that together). But beyond that, I’d like to cover some other things: Fantasy football, college sports, video games, Dungeons and Dragons, books, movies and television, and anything else that comes to mind.

Ideally, I’ll offer products here. My comic (when it’s done) will be on here to purchase; it’s my take on the modern superhero genre that should appeal to those who love the classics while having enough flare to keep it feeling fresh. I also have some other irons in the fire: a tabletop Trading Card Game I’m in the process of creating (if you’re interested in play testing, let me know), some D&D 5E home-brewed monsters and character classes I’ve played with over the years that I want to get digital versions of, and another comic series I’m working on that’s more medieval fantasy. It’s still in the early creative process, but I’m shooting for a combination of Lord of the Rings, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and X-Men. I’m very excited to get that rolling. Someday, I’d like to try my luck at a full-length novel as well—my point being that I hope you’ll join me on this creative venture and that it will also result in products for you all to enjoy.

Thanks for reading.


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